I'm Shirley Drawwater, my friends and family call me Flossy. I have a passion for shabby chic, antique furniture and I'm guessing you must do too. I am finally doing what I really wanted to do many years ago. I was never in a position to do this due to work commitments and a growing family. 

With the birth of my first grandchild and reaching a more mature age (that a lady never tells),  I decided it was time for a change. I spend lots of time with Henry, my grandson, and we now have Isaac who was born in May this year. In between these two bundles of energy I have lots of time to enjoy my hobby, Flossy's Finds. I started this project in August 2014 after working in the medical sector as a Practice Manager for many years. We spent many hours of family discussion deciding on a name that fits my character. We had suggestions like 'Classic Clearer's' and someone even mentioned 'Shirl the Shifter'! After much deliberation we settled on Flossy's Finds. Many people know me as Flossy and I'm always finding things. Some say, things just tend to find me.